The Administration of the Landtag
The Landtag administration is under the authority of the President of the Landtag. Her permanent representative in this respect is the Director. The administrative staff ensure that the parliament is able to function and act in the sense of a modern service provider. They prepare the sessions of the Landtag and its committees, support the President in administrative tasks and are available to advise all MPs in the performance of their tasks.
The administration of the Landtag Brandenburg is divided into two departments. The Parliament Department is responsible, for example, for the preparation and follow-up of the meetings of the Presiding Committee, the preparation and follow-up as well as the holding of the plenary sessions and committee meetings, the review and handling of parliamentary papers in accordance with the rules of procedure, the conduct of the business of all standing and temporary committees of the Landtag, the provision of legal advice to the committees, the preparation of stenographic minutes and the handling of European affairs. The Contact and Information Office (KISt) in Brussels is also located in the European Affairs Department. It supports the members of the Landtag, parliamentary groups and committees in EU matters.
The units of the Administration Department ensure general administrative operations and internal processes
in the Landtag building. The tasks of the Administration Department include the implementation of the Members of Parliament Act (Abgeordnetengesetz), personnel matters of the employees of the Landtag administration, the handling of legal and insurance matters and court proceedings. The department is also responsible for handling organisational issues. This includes the provision of IT work equipment such as laptops and application software, the furnishing of the offices as well as the guarding and cleaning of the building.
The Parliamentary Advisory Service is not assigned to either of the two departments. It advises the President of the Landtag, the committees and parliamentary groups of at least ten members of the Landtag on legal matters. The expert reports are publicly available on the website of the Landtag.
The work of the President of the Landtag is coordinated in this organisationally independent staff unit. The press office of the Landtag is also located here. It provides journalists from all media with up-to-date information on parliamentary affairs. The staff unit also handles matters of national and international protocol. The parliamentary public relations work and the visitors’ service are also based here.